Longboat racing in Phimai

Phimai is a great place to see longboat racing. Every year during the Phimai festival in November there is longboat racing. This weekend (11-12 October) saw 2 days of longboat racing in gra-bueang-yai (กระเบื้องใหญ่),  a small village about 4 miles from Phimai town.

Boat racing course gra-beuang yai PhimaiThe longboat race course – a straight line.

longboat racing PhimaiA women’s team winning their race.

Longboat race teams PhimaiTeam colours

boat racing PhimaiThe event was held to mark the end of Buddhist Lent (ork pansa –ออกพรรษา), which was on 8th October this year.

boat races gra-beuang yai PhimaiIt was the 16th annual longboat racing event to be held in gra-bueang-yai, Phimai district.

Next month will see the Phimai festival in Phimai town. Longboat racing is scheduled for 6-9 November in the usual location, Lam Jakarat, with access from Anantachinda Road or nearby. Good views of the racing can be had from the bridge on Anantachinda Road. For details of the 2014 Phimai festival see here:

Phimai festival 2014