Utility companies in Phimai

Some information on the utility companies serving Phimai town.

The water supply company

The Provincial Waterworks Authority (PWA) supplies water to Phimai town. The PWA has an office in Phimai town on the opposite side of the road to the Phimai museum. Look for the tall blue and white water tower. The office is open between 08.30 and 16.30 on weekdays. It is closed on weekends and public holidays. You can pay your water bills at this office. Bills can also be paid at 7-11 convenience stores so long as they are paid before the date specified on the bill. This is usually a week from the day the bill was issued.

Provincial Waterworks Authority office in Phimai

Provincial Waterworks Authority in Phimai town

PWA phone number (Phimai office): 044-471-399

PWA call center phone number: 1662

Main website: pwa.co.th

English website: http://en.pwa.co.th/index.html


The electricity supply company

The electricity supply company for Phimai town is the Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA). Its office in Phimai is located on the bypass, opposite the TJ petrol station and 100 metres from the Phimai Inn. You can pay your electricity bills at this office. Bills can also be paid at 7-11 convenience stores so long as they are paid within the dates specified on the bill. This is usually a 10 day period, including the day the bill was issued.

Provincial Electricity Authority  office in Phimai town

Provincial Electricity Authority office in Phimai town

PEA phone number (Phimai): 044-471-444

PEA CAll Center: 1129

PEA English language website: https://www.pea.co.th/en/SitePages/home.aspx

PEA main website: https://www.pea.co.th/SitePages/home.aspx

Map of utility company offices in Phimai town

Above is a map showing the locations of the utility company offices in Phimai town.